
VuePress supports using Webpackopen in new window or Viteopen in new window to dev and build sites. You can choose which bundler to use according to your preference, and no extra configuration is required.

Install a Bundler

When installing the vuepressopen in new window package, no bundlers will be installed. You need to choose a bundler to install.

# install vite bundler
pnpm add -D vuepress@next @vuepress/bundler-vite@next
# install webpack bundler
pnpm add -D vuepress@next @vuepress/bundler-webpack@next
# install vite bundler
yarn add -D vuepress@next @vuepress/bundler-vite@next
# install webpack bundler
yarn add -D vuepress@next @vuepress/bundler-webpack@next
# install vite bundler
npm install -D vuepress@next @vuepress/bundler-vite@next
# install webpack bundler
npm install -D vuepress@next @vuepress/bundler-webpack@next

Use a Bundler

Generally, you could use a bundler without extra configuration, because we have already configured them properly to work with VuePress.

You can use a bundler via the bundler option:

import { viteBundler } from '@vuepress/bundler-vite'
// import { webpackBundler } from '@vuepress/bundler-webpack'

export default {
  bundler: viteBundler(),
  // bundler: webpackBundler(),

When you need to customize the bundler, you can set the corresponding options: